Get to know us...

Top from left to right: Denee Chintala and Kaysyn Chintala Bottom from left to right: Becca Nielsen and Alan Nielsen

Top from left to right: Denee Chintala and Kaysyn Chintala
Bottom from left to right: Becca Nielsen and Alan Nielsen

In 2019, Alan and Becca Nielsen and Kaysyn Chintala purchased Trappers Lake Lodge from Holly King and Carol Steele.

Alan and Becca were raised on neighboring ranches in Meeker and developed a passion for all things outdoors at a young age. He is an avid hunter, fly fisherman, and high country adventurer. She spent her childhood on the back of a horse. The two raised Kaysyn and sister Denee’ in the same fashion- on a ranch in Meeker. Kaysyn enjoys high country riding and packing, as well as, driving teams of horses.

For those of you who have been visiting the lodge for years, we can’t wait to meet you and welcome you back! We’re certain that Holly and Carol will visit from year to year to catch up on their Trappers’ families.

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